© Allison Zaucha

© Allison Zaucha

About Sasa

I have spent my entire life surrounded by art, good food and the ritual of gathering around the dinner table. My grandmother is a painter, my dad runs specialty grocery stores throughout Southern California and my sister owns several restaurants in Los Angeles. You can see these influences play out in my paintings, many of which are an ode to the joy of communal dining.  A mixture of warped perspective, realistic rendering, playful colors and bold patterns evoke the memories of a candlelit meal with loved ones.  I received a bachelor of fine arts from Otis College of Art & Design. I currently live in Los Angeles, where you can find a few of my works in restaurants around the city.

Behind the name Sasa

Back in 2015, my brother-in-law lovingly bestowed upon me the nickname, Sasa. It stuck so well that 6 years later I decided to brand my creative endeavors under it.

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